Inter Europe - 2018-19

Island Life Productions' Fin has been working with organisations in seven different countries across Europe (FYR Macedonia, Greece, Italy, Russia, Slovenia, Switzerland, United Kingdom) to give emerging artists the opportunity to create original work in a different cultural landscape from that which they’re used to, and to give theatre-makers around Europe the opportunity to strengthen ties and work together on a continent-wide project. Check out the products of their residencies below.

Project in collaboration with the International Theatre Institute.

United Kingdom in Greece (Adam Wheeler - September 2018)

Greece in United Kingdom (Thomas Tsalaptis - November 2018)

Switzerland in Slovenia (Stefanie Bolzli - October 2018)

Slovenia in Switzerland (Dorian Silec - May 2019)


FYR Macedonia in Italy (Gorjan Miloshevski - September 2018)

Russia in FYR Macedonia (Yaroslava Pulinovich - October 2018)

For pre-residency interviews with the artists and articles written by the artists post-residency, please contact